Recent News


Friday 14 June

Another successful year of Brixhibition at ECPS. It was a tight battle, with every child throughout the school putting in an amazing effort. Congratulations to our 2024 Brixhibition winners:

K-P: Leilan

1-2: Braylin

3-4: Bheane (overall winner)

5-6: Dakoha


Growing Up Program Parent Session - Time correction

Monday 27 May

The Parent Information session for the Growing Up Program will be held between 8:30 and 9:00am tomorrow morning, Tuesday 28th May. The session will take place in the Meeting Room / LOTE classroom. Please disregard the time advertised in the newsletter. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Newsletter Issue 7 - 24th May 2024

Monday 27 May

Many apologies for the delay in distributing our latest newsletter. Please enjoy reading it now, at your leisure.Newletter_Issue_7_052424.pdf

Cross-Country at Redpa

Sunday 12 May

A reminder that we have Cross-Country at Redpa tomorrow. The event will start at 10am with a track familiarisation; the first race will begin around 10:30am.
Students need to wear school uniform and bring running shoes, snacks and lots to drink. If your child has not order lunch, they will need a packed lunch
They also need to bring a full change of clothes, including shoes and a plastic bag for wet clothes. The track can be a very muddy. We also suggest a towel.
Some rain is likely, so a coat would be a good idea while spectating.
In the event of postponement, we will advise via Seesaw, Schoolzine and Facebook.
Hope to see you there.


Newsletter Issue 6 - Friday 10th May

Friday 10 May

Please see below a link to the latest edition of our newsletter;

ECPS Newsletter Issue 6 2024

Walk Safely to School Day

Thursday 2 May

Next week is Road Safety Awareness Week.

We currently have several children who walk to school each day. They would love some company.

So next Thursday, 9th May some of our staff will be joining them. We would love other children and their families to join us too.

We will be gathering opposite the school at 8:00am. We will then walk to the start of Poilinna Road to collect students from there. After that we will head back to the shop, before heading to school.

This would be a great chance for kids who come by car to school, to start their day with extra fresh air, exercise and time to connect with others.


Hope to see you there. ?

ECPS Newsletter Issue 5 - 12th April 2024

Friday 12 April

We hope you all enjoy a happy and safe holiday break. Please see the attached newsletter for your enjoyment.


KITES Vacation Care Program

Thursday 4 April

Please see the following links for information on the KITES vacation care program for April School Holidays.

Program link - KITES_April_2024_program.pdf

Bookings form and permission slip - KITES_April_bookings_form_and_permission_slip.pdf

Auskick 2024 Information

Wednesday 3 April


ECPS Newsletter Issue 4

Thursday 28 March

Please see the link below to our latest newsletter. 

ECPS Newsletter Issue 4

ECPS Newsletter Issue 3

Friday 15 March

Please see below the link for the latest edition of our newsletter. ECPS Newsletter Issue 3 - 15th March 2024


Friday 8 March

It was so nice to have so many families sharing with us out our first assembly for 2024. Thank you all for coming to sharing in and support our students learning.

This was the first official job for our newly elected Student Councillors and they did an amazing job.


For their first ever assembly, the Kinders were very excited and did a fantastic job. Love their pattern work from the Kinder/Prep/1/2 and the 3/4/5/6 are clearly working hard with their learning.

Congratulations to the Award receipients. You are clearly demonstrating our values.
And a very big congratulations to Dekoha and Elsa for having the courage and aspiration to do your very best, when you competed at the North West Athletics Carnival yesterday. We are very proud of you both.

Student Leadership

Wednesday 6 March

It is with great pleasure that we announce our 2024 Student Leaders. Well done and Congratulations!???

Our Student Council - Azaria, Dakoha, Stef, Mick, Michael and Layla.

Our Daily PE Leaders - Stef, Dakoha, Amilia and Layla, with Ondine and Michael as back-ups.

Our flag monitors - Dakoha and Stef, with Michael and Layla as back-ups.


Community Connections Roadshow

Monday 4 March

Don't forget that this is on tonight in the School Assembly Hall - you might even win a $100 voucher!


Newsletter Issue 2

Thursday 29 February

The link to Newsletter Issue 2 is below :)

ECPS Newsletter Issue 2 2024